Monday, February 13, 2012

Tri-Fecta: Part Two

The second part of the birthday tri-fecta occurred over the weekend.  The baby turned one!  I have been told that I have to start referring to him as a toddler now, but I refuse to until he begins to toddle.  That doesn't seem to be happening any time soon, so he's still "the baby". 

We had his party on Saturday at a local restaurant and he cheesed it up as always.  He's such a little ham.  Despite the fact that I told everyone he didn't need a single thing, he was showered with amazingly cute gifts.  My personal favorite is the duck call from Uncle Rod (complete with instructional DVD). 

On Sunday (his actual birthday) we went to The Potter's Obsession here in town and made a birthday plate for him.  I wanted to put his hand print on it, but that turned out to be absolutely impossible, so instead we made a butterfly out of his footprints.  I'm pretty damn proud of the way it turned out.  They will glaze it and fire it and it will be pretty and shiny and the colors will be much darker when I go to pick it up next week.  Here's a sneak peek, though. 

I attempted to be a super awesome mom and let him have a delicous cupcake from That One Cupcake Place on his birthday, but he is a creature of habit and decided to have Cheerios and applesauce instead.  Whatev, more cupcake for me, sucker.

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