Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cranio Care Bear Birthday!

Through the website Babycenter, I have been introduced to an amazing group of women who (just like me) had babies in February of 2011. Through sharing about our pregnancies, deliveries and becoming new moms, we have become very close.

Our babies’ first birthdays are coming up (I can hardly believe it) and we’ve decided to do a gift exchange for them. The momma and baby who Henry and I have been paired with is Jackson and his momma Jayna.

Jackson is a healthy young boy, but as he grew it became apparent that he had craniosynotosis, which means that the bones in his skull fused together too soon, making it impossible (and dangerous) for his brain to grow. Jackson had surgery to correct this in December and thankfully, many prayers were answered and Jackson is doing quite well now.

First and foremost on Jackson’s “wish list” was a donation in his name to Cranio Care Bears, an organization that provides care packages and support to families who are going through the same ordeal.

Please help me to make Jackson's birthday a blessing to families going through this by sending a birthday card for Jackson to Cranio Care Bears with a donation in his honor. Your donation could be $1, $5, a million dollars... it doesn't matter! Please help me honor this special boy, his family and others by making a donation. The cards (or notes, or pictures you colored) will be forwarded on to Jackson and his family).

Thank you all so much!

Please send cards and donations to:
Cranio Care Bears
16181 Ginger Ave
Mead, CO 80542

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